Sunday, October 23, 2011

Connecting to the Lonely Profession Article

The article, really caught my attention concerning collaborative projects.  It is truly essential that as teachers, we must learn not to isolate ourselves from other teachers and find other teachers that have common interests as yourself.  I feel that this is really important because when creating a project, it helps to understand and organize what everyone wants in the project.  As teachers, even though we have certifications and have "mastered" our content area, there is always room to learn something new, especially in the 21st century.  When we learn more about the different technologies that are around us, we can connect with others and get more people involved in the learning process. This is also a great way for teachers to meet others online and learn new ideas and suggestions for having the best type of teaching experience. The teacher i observe with only knows the basics of the smartboard and hasn't been exposed to webblogs, wikis and every other type of technology that is available to use in classrooms. 
I really like the idea of using a Wiki for student writing, revision and publishing.  I think this actually gets students involved in their work instead of just being given assignment that consists of writing an essay and handing it in.  I like how students are able to get feedback on their work from their peers and other people around the world.  It's such a great idea because students aren't obligated to just write an essay and be done with it and move on.  I think that this actually would benefit students as well. The teacher of the flat Classroom Project had said that her students had grown up and had undserstood time constraints and had developed self confidence in themselves.  I think that this should apply to all classrooms because  students are one step closer to working and surviving in today's world and become independent.  I think that students need to be independent and to be confident in themselves instead of relying on others to do something for them or lay out what they have to do. 


  1. Have you read The World Is Flat? If not, didn't this article spark your interest in it? It did for me! I agree, students do need to become independent because we are spoon feeding them everything. I do hope that we are able to teach them to be independent but not selfish...sometimes there is a thin line between the two. This is where collaboration must come into play.

  2. I think teachers just don't want to waste time from their lessons to incorporate technology or any other 21st century tools to help students learn. It is hard but I think first need to prioritize their time so they can first learn how to use a smartboard, weblogs, wikis, and all these other useful and helpful tools.
